Episode 52 – Re-evaluating nut kilojoule labelling
March 2025. Listen here: And available everywhere you listen to podcasts: https://pod.link/thehealthyhandful About this episode Research indicates that the actual…
Guest blog by Maria Said, CEO Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia.
Australia has one of the highest rates of food allergy in the world. Research indicates that in Australia, one in 10 infants (1), one in 20 children (aged 10-14 years) (2) and one in 50 adults have a food allergy (3).
Hospital presentations for anaphylaxis, triggered by food allergy, have noticeably increased in the past three decades. In the 14 years from 1998-2012, we saw a four-fold increase (4).
The most common food triggers are egg, cows’ milk (dairy), peanut, tree nuts, sesame, soy, wheat, fish and other seafood, but almost any food can cause an allergic reaction.
Some food allergies can be severe, causing life threatening reactions – known as anaphylaxis. Urgent medical attention and treatment with an adrenaline (epinephrine) injector is required.
We’re not entirely sure why food allergy has increased so rapidly.
Current research suggests that it is related to a western lifestyle, the environment and a genetic predisposition as well as a number of other risk factors. These include:
While there is ongoing research to prevent and treat food allergies, there is currently no cure.
There have been significant advances in food allergy oral immunotherapy (OIT) as a potential treatment but safety, cost effectiveness, quality of life and long-term outcomes need to be further assessed before OIT becomes available outside of the medical research setting in Australia.
Managing a food allergy involves strict avoidance of the allergen, including always reading food labels and making known any allergies to those preparing food.
As risk of an allergic reaction cannot be eliminated, individuals (and their carers), must always be prepared for when an allergic reaction does occur. This means carrying an ASCIA Action Plan and, if prescribed, an injectable adrenaline which is the first line treatment for anaphylaxis.
Education on how to avoid triggers, how to respond in an emergency and regular reviews with a clinical immunology/allergy specialist are key.
Most severe allergic reactions and the majority of deaths from food allergy happen outside of the home.
It’s vital that people living with a food allergy, clearly communicate their allergy to a food service provider and that their food allergy is taken seriously.
When travelling to foreign countries, or when eating in restaurants where English may not be the first language for staff, it can be difficult to clearly disclose a food allergy verbally. To help with this, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) has developed downloadable ‘Chef Cards’, which have been translated into 21 languages.
A chef card template can be accessed from the A&AA website and edited to include one’s allergens, and personalised, ready to be taken by a person with a food allergy to restaurants and other food outlets to assist in communicating allergen information.
Published December 15, 2020
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